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Was all about its new iPhones, which go on sale Sept. 21, and the Apple Watch Series 4.

The focus, as is usually the case with Apple, centered largely around consumer uses – health tracking, photography, performance, incredible new OLED screens and the “Liquid Retina” display of the less-expensive iPhone Xr. The on-stage demos centered on audio, still images, video and gaming. Though the improved hardware will no doubt be, there was essentially no discussion of enterprise use cases for the devices. And yet they will disrupt multiple industries. In some cases, this disruption will be a continuation of the impact that Apple has already had or re-disruption of industries Apple has already significantly transformed.

Here are four industries likely to see their processes, focus and business models dramatically changed as Apple presses forward. Healthcare Apple has during the past decade, beginning with the introduction of the iPad (which is later this year). Almost immediately, doctors, surgeons and other healthcare professionals saw value in the tablet as an ideal tool for helping them communicate information to patients and colleagues. Apple has very clearly focused on healthcare, steadily building an in-house team of experts, most notably around medical devices who know how to work with regulators, researchers and IT. With the introduction of HealthKit, ResearchKit and CareKit, Apple has been at the forefront of, researchers and even first responders.

Some of the broadest health studies ever conducted have relied on ResearchKit. IPhones and Apple Watches make it possible to contact emergency services and care-givers in seconds, and they provide key information about us using the emergency medical information card that can be accessed on an iPhone – even when the phone is locked. And increasingly, they alert us to signs of danger and disease that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Apple is not slowing its efforts; in fact, it’s just getting started. The announcement this week of fall detection, complete with an understanding of different types of falls, is a major improvement aimed directly at older users. Apple Much more significant is the revamped heart sensor that can not only alert users to danger that might be missed by doctors – something I personally experienced this summer – but now the device can perform a in a matter of seconds. This is an incredible advance for any device and it will be able to provide important information to cardiologists, primary care doctors, and emergency care. Even more notable: Apple was able to thread the needle of regulatory approval in the U.S. Companies like AliveCor have been working to bring similar solutions to market. (AliveCor’s original breakthrough product was an iPhone case that offered similar capabilities, but it needed to be placed on a patient’s chest).

Apple is also known to be investigating other abilities in this area, including blood pressure and non-invasive blood glucose monitoring. I wouldn't go so far as to suggest that Apple will ever displace medical equipment in hospitals or other care venues – the Apple Watch can’t do a multi-lead ECG – but the company is looking to augment those abilities by enabling tracking in non-clinical settings. This will provide a lot of information that today isn’t possible to capture easily over the long term. That doesn’t just mean more data, but more real-world data, an important distinction because studies have shown that about one quarter of patients have elevated markers like heart rate and blood pressure in a doctor’s office or hospital due to anxiety about being in a clinic. Apple is intent on providing this data to users and doctors and incorporating key contextual data such as time, location and activity information. In terms of getting this data into the hands of doctors, Apple has already taken on that challenge with the ability to interact with healthcare provider information systems.

Graphics, media and marketing One point Apple continues to drive home is the power of the iPhone camera. The company highlights a great variety of photos captured on the iPhone as part of its overall marketing message about the device. Beginning last year, the company also began hammering home the power of not just the hardware of its cameras, but also the power of its processors and machine-learning capabilities to get a perfect shot. Apple touts the iPhone as being equal to pro-level DSLRs while remaining simple to use. This approach pairs with iOS becoming an image- and video-editing platform in its own right. Adobe, long considered the leading name in digital photography and design, has brought over an increasing chunk of its pro apps to iOS, including Illustrator and Photoshop. This means graphics and media professionals can accomplish an ever-growing amount of work on Apple’s high-end phones as well as with the iPad Pro.

This trend, combined with the realization that the best camera for any job is the one you have with you, opens up the power of mobile photography, videography and design. With editing options once the purview of studios with powerful devices and desktops now in the palm of your hand, shooting, editing and posting – or preparing photos for print – can happen in the field in near-real time. This has big implications for these creative fields, and great potential for marketing. As marketing moves from its print roots to online social media, brand management, events and even live streaming, the iPhone supports this evolution by allowing complex workflows to be done in seconds in the field.

It allows marketing teams to engage with events, social trends and an array of slice-of-life moments that can open new markets, clients, and the public in new ways. It allows crisp and polished results to be made from photos and video in minutes, or even seconds – and that means generating tons of new content at a moment’s notice. Combining those new abilities with social media means a marketing pro can nurture a campaign from anywhere, generate leads from any event, and engage with customers wherever they may be.

This gives marketing agencies and departments the leanness of a startup – and it allows startups to deliver highly professional results on the fly. This flattening of the playing field will have an enormous impact, allowing for great content, live and matched with the right message or hashtag to be spread widely, all from the exhibit floor so to speak. It also means being able to catch and catapult organic trends in viral ways that has often been more art and luck than science and intention. As with healthcare, we’re still in the first or second inning of where this disruption will lead. Unlike healthcare, where there is a somewhat steady goal line, the evolving nature of these professions and technology means this will be an ongoing experiment in disruption. Journalism and real-time reporting The same power the iPhone puts in the hands of marketing professionals also arrives for reporters who can now shoot, edit and publish news in minutes.

The Internet, smartphones, and blogging and social media have been powerful forces in the media world for years now. But in many cases, those resources have remained siloed. Video from a mobile phone has been available to journalists for ages now, but it has also been considered less valuable than footage shot with a crew and producer. Until recently, this made perfect sense; video,and sound quality were clearly sub-par. Connectivity posed challenges.

And editing was relegated to home base under the watchful eye of a producer. This formula and the workflow it requires has begun to shift in recent years, but the limitations of hardware and software on mobile devices left it in place. The easy-to-use editing capabilities that iPhones (and mobile devices in general) provide and increasingly professional tools now allow journalists and bloggers to take power into their own hands.

This allows difficult-to-access raw information to become polished reports that can be posted, streamed and delivered right away as news unfolds. Not only is this explosive in terms of timeliness and quality, but the iPhone’s low cost (when compared to the high-end gear traditionally used) puts these abilities in many more hands. Retail One of the first augmented reality (AR) companies highlighted by Apple with the introduction of ARKit last year was IKEA.

The furniture retailer made use of the technology to allow customers to visualize how pieces of furniture would look in their homes. As retail has moved online, the ability to accurately place products in the home has become paramount. This is particularly true since many people find it difficult to judge objects based solely on their dimensions or accurately assess color. Ikea AR provides a solution, especially when its pared with smart color displays such as those used in iOS devices. Apple makes that solution easy. While redecorating a room is an obvious application, it barely scratches the surface of how AR can be used in retail.

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One of the biggest trends today in retail involves subscription services that deliver a monthly package containing items a company thinks will delight or be of use to consumers. Although these services started with companies like Blue Apron that make it easier to make meals at home, the approach now runs the gamut from outerwear to razors to undergarments and even home decor. All of these companies rely on data and analytics to recognize trends and decide what to send out each month. Being highly data driven, the new iPhones allow users to share detailed measurements, aesthetics, and other information back to companies. A handy AR-compatible device (and the right algorithms) can help tailor what people receive beginning when they sign up for a service.

That could include anything from the measurements of our homes, our bodies, or anything else. Beyond simply picturing how an IKEA chair will look in our living room, for example, we can send over room measurements, details about our furniture and the colors of the walls, carpet and artwork in a room; a company can then pull items tailored for our spaces or suggest pieces we’re “missing” in a way no catalog can offer. One photo of our bathroom counter can yield suggestions for towels, bath mats, soaps, skin lotion, toothbrush holders, or shower curtains. It's like having a virtual designer working with us at every step of the way. Similarly, the same photo – along with a selfie – can allow a company to offer up specific razors, shaving cream, cologne, or even a suggested haircut or beard trim. A photo of our closet can return clothing suggestions and even closet-organizing systems. What we’re really talking about here is the ability to turn our phone into a personal shopper by allowing an app, or collection of apps, to peek inside our home.

We get an integrated set of items that are much more likely to fit us than something found while browsing a website or visiting a store. Although these are only four industries, the volume of disruption across them touches virtually every part of our lives.

Where many people wondered if Apple could remain a potent and disruptive force after the death of CEO Steve Jobs, Apple in 2018 has proved that it can – and will – remain a technological disruptor for years to come.

Effective May 1, 2018 Our Approach to Privacy 1105 Media considers itself a steward of the information it collects, maintains and utilizes. Our responsibility is to ensure the security of the information in our care and to maintain the privacy of our data through appropriate, responsible use. Today, our business clients' needs and expectations are constantly changing, and technology is constantly evolving. 1105 Media strives to constantly evolve with these changing needs and expectations to provide the most appropriate processes and policies in a timely manner. If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, you can contact us at and include 'Privacy Policy' in the subject line. 1105 Media, LLC, its affiliates and its subsidiaries (collectively, '1105 Media', 'us' or 'we') owns, operates, or provides access to, several interactive websites, online interactive features and services, including, but not limited to, emails, newsletters, chat areas, forums, communities.

This Privacy Policy applies to all information collected about you by 1105 Media, regardless of how it is collected or stored, and describes, among other things, the types of information collected about you when you visit the Services, how your information may be used and when it may be disclosed, how you can control the use and disclosure of your information, and how your information is protected. This Privacy Policy covers information collected through these websites:. Harry potter computer games for mac.

Privacy Policy Overview In this Privacy Policy, we will discuss the following topics and more. What information we collect. We may collect Personal Information from you or from other sources.

'Personal Information' generally means information that might reasonably be used to specifically identify you and may include information such as:. Contact information, such as your name, postal address, email address, phone number and/or mobile number;. Demographic information such as job and professional information, company information, education and work experience;. User name and password; and Location data that describes the precise geographic location of your device ( 'Precise Location Data'). We do not intentionally collect data such as financial information or data concerning racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership. We also collect other kinds of information from you or other sources, which we refer to as 'Other Information' in this Privacy Policy.

The type of information we collect may change as technologies evolve. Other Information may include, but is not limited to, information such as:. Areas or topics of interest;. Content of messages or comments posted by you or other users (e.g., text, photos, videos, and links) to the Services, including on forums or content;. Browsing history, including the websites or other services you visited before and after visiting the Services;. Device type, settings and software used;.

Advertising ID, which is a unique, user-resettable identification number for advertising associated with a device (e.g. How we collect and use information. 1105 Media collects information as described herein. All information is or may be used as described in this Privacy Policy.

We collect User Information across our Services, such as when you register for site membership or create a profile or account on any part of the Services; purchase a subscription, software license or product; sign up for emails, newsletters, bulletins, webinars or white papers; enter a sweepstakes, contest, competition or prize draw; receive promotional information by SMS text message; participate in surveys; perform search queries on the Services; send an email to us; or otherwise communicate with us. We also collect User Information about you offline through telephone or direct mail efforts or from customers, vendors, suppliers, third parties and publicly-available sources. When you use the Services, we may combine Personal Information with Other Information we collect about you. We do this to improve services we offer you and to improve the functionality of the Services and our ability to market or advertise to you those products or services that may be of interest to you. We may also combine information you have provided to us with information obtained from other sources such as social networks.

Personal Information is used to provide Services to you from 1105 Media or its partners, which includes, but is not limited to when: (i) we send emails or newsletters offering services or products to you, (ii) you post your personal testimonial alongside other endorsements, (iii) we display your personal reviews of products or services, or (iv) you search for other website members using information you may already know about that member such as username, full name or gamer profile and identify users matching that criteria. Personal Information may also be used to send you advertisements and promotions on the Services and on third party channels. Personal Information you provide to us is used in a way that is compatible with the Services and this Privacy Policy. Some of the Services use Personal Information of a registered user to 'pre-populate' online forms that are displayed for the purpose of collecting additional information about you by the Services or on behalf of a third party.

If you choose to use our referral service to send an article to a contact or to invite a contact to become a member of a website, we will ask you for your contact's email address or allow you to import your contacts from your email account's address book. We will automatically send your contact a one-time email inviting him or her to visit the website. We may collect the username and password for the email account from which you wish to import your contacts and will only use that information for that purpose.

1105 Media and its partners use cookies and other tracking technologies to analyze trends, administer Services, track users' movements around the Services and on third party sites, devices and applications, and to gather demographic information about our user base. You can control the use of cookies at the individual browser level, but if you choose to disable cookies, it may limit your use of certain features or functions on the Services. To manage Flash cookies, please click. Please see our for more information, including a more in-depth explanation of what cookies are, the different types of cookies used on the Services, and how to change or delete them. Tracking technologies on the Services may be deployed by 1105 Media and/or by our service providers or partners. Certain tracking technologies enable us to assign a unique identifier to you and relate information about your use of the Services to other information about you, including your User Information. We may match information collected from you through different means or at different times and use such information along with offline and online information obtained from other sources (including from third parties), including, but not limited to, demographic information and updated contact information for the purposes of learning more about you so we can provide you with relevant content and advertising.

When you receive email messages or newsletters from us, we may use web beacons, customized links, clear GIFs or similar technologies to determine whether the email has been opened and which links you click in order to provide you more focused email communications or other information, and/or aggregate with other data we collect for some or all of the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. Information regarding interest-based advertising. 1105 Media and/or certain third parties collect information about you for online behavioral advertising (' OBA') purposes in order for you to receive relevant interest-based advertising on the Services and on other websites, platforms and media channels. OBA is also referred to as interest-based advertising. 1105 Media displays ads on both the Services and on third party websites, applications, platforms and other media channels (collectively, ' Channels'). We use Online Data as well as other User Information to send you OBA. For example, if you read an article about a particular subject on the Services, we may use cookies from a vendor to later serve you an advertisement for a particular product or service related to the viewed article.

These third party vendors may connect information about pages you visit on the Services with information about pages you visit on other Channels and show you advertising based on this combined information. These advertisements may appear when you are visiting a different section of the Services or on another Channel. Likewise, third party vendors may serve you advertisements when you visit the Services based on your interaction with the Services and other Channels. Online Data is aggregated with the other information and data we collect as described in this Privacy Policy and/or similar data collected by partners to create groups of users and certain general-interest categories or segments that we have inferred based on (a) demographic or interest data and GeoIP Data, (b) the pages you view and links you click when viewing an email or using the Services and those of our partners, and/or (c) the search terms you enter when using certain search services. We use this information to get a more accurate picture of audience interests in order to serve ads we believe are more relevant to your interests.

We store page views, clicks and search terms used for ad personalization targeting separately from your Personal Information. We may also sell or transfer Online Data to certain third parties such as advertisers who will use this data to serve ads that they believe are relevant to your interests, and who agree to maintain the confidentiality of this information. Some of these third parties may combine the Online Data with their own data about you to form a more detailed picture. We engage third party providers to assist with the collection, storage and segmentation of Online Data and the providers are required to maintain the confidentiality of this information.

We do not authorize such third party providers to collect Personal Information from our Services for their own purposes. Except as may be set forth elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, this Online Data is retained by 1105 Media for not more than 180 days after which it shall expire. However, the 180-day period may commence again if the same user subsequently visits or interacts with an ad, email, the Services or a Channel. We may also engage third parties for the purpose of recognizing our users and delivering interest-based content and advertisements to them. We may share your User Information with our partners such as your name, postal address, email, or other identifier. Our partners may also: (i) collect information directly from your device, such as your IP address, device ID, advertising ID, and information about your browser or operating system; (ii) combine User Information about you received from 1105 Media with information about you from other sites or services; and (iii) place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser.

One of the ways in which we collect this information is through Tracking Technologies such as cookies and web beacons. A cookie is a small file downloaded on to a device when a user accesses certain websites. Cookies are useful because they allow us to recognize your device and provide you with a high level of service and relevant offers. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. For more information about our use of cookies and other Tracking Technologies, please visit our Cookie Policy. What information we share with third parties.

1105 Media provides User Information to third party companies and contractors who work on our behalf to provide us with specialized services, such as email message deployment, email address validation, merge-purge (identifying and removing duplicate addresses), subscription fulfillment, customer support and service, research, statistical analysis, cross-device user tracking, data and website hosting, marketing, advertising, and other data and transaction processing. These companies work on our behalf, are authorized by 1105 Media to obtain only the information they need to deliver the service and are required to maintain the confidentiality of the information. We also engage third party service providers for the purpose of processing the sale of subscriptions, to fulfill your orders for product purchases, to honor your request to be removed from promotional mailings, to monitor, analyze and prevent fraudulent traffic or other suspicious activities on the Services or Channels, or other services. These service providers have access to or are provided with certain User Information (including credit card information) in order to provide us with the applicable service.

At times, we conduct contests, competitions, sweepstakes and prize draws, or produce and host sponsored white papers, webcasts or other downloads for a variety of companies ( 'Sponsors'). Information collected during the registration for such events is used by us as part of User Information and may be shared with the Sponsor and others. The information collected would be subject to our Privacy Policy and, in the event that it is shared with a Sponsor or other third party, would also be subject to the Sponsor's or such other third party's privacy policy, and it may be used by us, the Sponsor, and/or such other third parties for follow up purposes. We may also share your information with third party vendors involved in the administration of such events. For contests, competitions, sweepstakes and prize draws, please read the official rules or terms and conditions carefully before you submit your information. For some of our Services, we may make some information, such as the name of our users, their mailing address, phone number, email address—and in certain circumstances their employer's name, company size and other industry data—available on a rental or other basis (e.g. Sale) to third party providers of goods and services, for example, when such information is provided in connection with webcasts, white papers or other sponsored downloads.

While many customers appreciate the communications, they receive from the third-party providers of goods and services to whom we provide lists of our customers, if you no longer wish to receive messages from individual providers, follow the unsubscribe link and instructions at the bottom of the provider's message or contact the third-party provider directly to be removed from their list. When you use a co-branded service (a service operated with a partner of 1105 Media) or register or otherwise provide information on a co-branded site, you grant us permission to pass the information collected back to that partner. This may include third party service providers whose services are embedded into and/or appear within the Services. Use of your information by such partners may be subject to their privacy policies as well as ours. In order to help us sell advertising on the Services and otherwise publicize 1105 Media and its brands, we may share aggregate statistics that describe our online audience. Those statistics are often based on the information you provide when you subscribe, register, or browse the Services and describe, among other things, the demographics of our visitors. With respect to surveys, in the event that responses are publicly disclosed, users will be notified at the time they take the survey.

1105 Media will disclose only aggregate information regarding its users' responses in surveys to other participants in the survey. Where surveys allow users to submit written comments, and where 1105 Media advises users of the possibility of such disclosure at the time they take the survey, 1105 Media reserves the right to disclose any information provided by users, provided that no User Information identifying a specific user is disclosed. Participation in surveys is solely at your discretion. We may also disclose User Information that we receive from you and from third party and public sources to third parties whose practices are not covered by this Privacy Policy (e.g., third party providers of goods and services, marketing and advertising companies and agencies, content publishers and retailers). In addition, we provide information to third parties for OBA as discussed above. 1105 Media and some of our advertisers use third party advertising service companies to serve advertisements and perform related services when you visit the Services.

Often, these third-party advertising companies employ cookie and other technologies to measure the effectiveness of website, app and email advertisements and to create a record of interaction with our content that they use in conjunction with their advertising which appears on other sites or applications, or for reporting website traffic, app use, statistics, advertisement data and/or other activities on the Services. We also engage third party providers to assist with the segmentation of this data. The Service may utilize framing techniques to serve content from our partners while preserving the look and feel of our site. Please be aware that you may be providing your information to these third parties and not to 1105 Media, or in some cases such information may be shared with both 1105 Media and such third parties.

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How you can change or control what is collected. Updating Your Registration Information. Upon request, 1105 Media will provide you with information about whether we hold any of your Personal Information. You can also view, correct, delete or change the information collected during user registration at any time at the profile page for that membership, app or website. Please allow five to ten business days for corrections or changes to be publicly displayed or implemented throughout our systems. If you have any trouble accessing, correcting or deleting any of your information, or would like to make a request about whether 1105 Media holds any of your Personal Information, please contact the website directly by clicking on the appropriate link below (which should lead to a 'Contact Us' page or support email) or contact us at (must include 'Privacy Policy' in the subject line) and we will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe. Location Based Services.


You may opt-out of having your Precise Location Data collected by 1105 Media at any time by editing the appropriate setting on your mobile device (which is usually located in the Settings are of your device) or by emailing us at and include 'Privacy Policy' in the subject line. Cookies and Pixel Tags. You may stop or restrict cookies and pixel tags on your computer or purge cookies from your browser by adjusting your web browser preferences.

However, if you 'turn off,' purge, or disable cookies or pixel tags, although you may still use the Services, you may not be able to use all of the features, functions, or services available on the Services. You may download a browser plugin that will help you maintain your opt-out choices by visiting Unsubscribing from 1105 Media Newsletter and Emails. You can opt out or unsubscribe to a newsletter or other email list at any time by following the instructions at the end of the newsletters or emails you receive or by to update your email preferences. Please allow five to ten business days for changes to take effect. On some Services, member service-related communications are an integral part of such Services to which you subscribe and you may continue to receive emails as part of that particular portion of the Services unless you cancel your account, even if you opt out of the newsletters or email list. If you have provided more than one email address to us, you may continue to be contacted unless you request to unsubscribe each email address you have provided Postal Communications If you volunteer a postal address you may receive periodic mailings to relate information about new products, services, and/or upcoming events. We may also provide this information to other carefully selected outside companies for promotional purposes.

If you do not wish to receive mailings from us or other companies, please let us know by clicking on the statement below and following the steps provided, calling us at the above telephone number, or writing to us at the above address. It will take up to 3 months to process your do-not-mail request. Please note that you may receive additional communications from us or other companies after submitting your request if your postal address was selected from our database just prior to receiving and processing your request. Telephone Communications If you volunteer a telephone number you may receive periodic telephone calls about new products, services, and/or upcoming events. We may also provide this information to carefully selected outside companies for promotional purposes. If you do not wish to receive telephone calls from us or other companies, please let us know by clicking on the statement below and following the steps provided, calling us at the above telephone number, or writing to us at the above address.

Push Notifications. We send you push notifications from time-to-time in order to update you about any events or promotions that we may be running. If you no longer wish to receive these types of communications, you may turn them off at the device level. To ensure you receive proper notifications, we will need to collect certain information about your device such as operating system and user identification information. California Residents. In accordance with the California Online Privacy Protection Act, we may collect Personal Information about your online activities when you use the Services. While we give our users many avenues to opt out of providing Personal Information, we do not respond to Web browsers' 'do not track' signals.

If you wish for us to refrain from gathering your Personal Information, please see our section on. California's 'Shine the Light' law, Civil Code Section 1798.83, permits our users who are California residents to periodically request and obtain certain information about any Personal Information disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes. If you are a California resident and wish to make such a request, please submit your request in writing to: 1105 Media 6300 Canoga Ave., Suite 1150 Woodland Hills, CA, 91367 Attn: Data Services Department.

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Information for users located outside the U.S. The Services operate and are hosted in the United States and, depending on your country of residence, the submission of personally identifiable information to the Services may involve some transfer of User Information to the United States. You understand and consent to having any User Information you provide transferred to and processed in the United States. You should be aware that privacy laws in the United States may not provide protections equivalent to those of your country of residence. Please note that we may use data collected by a third party operator/licensee of localized versions or editions of Services.

1105 Media privacy practices described in this Privacy Policy comply with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (' APEC') Cross Border Privacy Rules System. To learn more about this program, please click. How this Privacy Policy can change. Some or all User Information maintained by 1105 Media may be subject to transfer to another company in the event of a change of ownership of 1105 Media or sale of any part of 1105 Media. You will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our websites in the event of any change in ownership along with a material change of the uses of your Personal Information. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time, and all changes will be effective at the time we post them. If we believe there is a significant change to this Privacy Policy or our data collection and use practices, we will indicate on our websites that our Privacy Policy has changed prior to the change becoming effective.

The then-posted version of the Privacy Policy supersedes all prior versions. Your continued access to or use of any of the Services shall be deemed your acceptance of the Privacy Policy. We urge you to come back to this web page and review this Privacy Policy regularly so that you remain aware of the terms and conditions that apply to you. Other useful information regarding your privacy. We believe we use reasonable precautions to keep the Personal Information you disclose to the Services secure. However, we cannot guarantee there will not be a breach, and we are not responsible for any breach of security or for the actions of any third parties. In certain instances, we may use Secure Sockets Layer encryption and/or transfer certain User Information in a non-human readable format to provide protection.

You are ultimately responsible for the security of your email address and password. The Services are not intended for use by children, especially those under 13. No one under age 13 should provide any Personal Information or use our public discussion areas, forums or chats. Minors under the age of 18 are prohibited from making purchases on the Service or obtaining coupons or codes from the Services to purchase goods or services on third party websites. If, notwithstanding these prohibitions, your children disclose information about themselves in our public discussion areas, consequences may occur that are not intended for children (for example, they may receive unsolicited messages from other parties). If it is discovered that we have collected Personal Information from someone under 13, we will delete that information immediately. Data Retention.

The time period for which we keep information varies according to the information's use. In some cases, there are legal requirements to keep data for a minimum period. Unless there is a specific legal requirement for us to keep the information, we plan to retain it for no longer than is necessary to fulfill a legitimate business need. Links to Other Sites. The Services contain links to other sites whose information practices may be different from ours. You should consult the privacy policy of these other sites to learn how your privacy is protected. 9.Enforcement Complaints.

1105 Media is committed to resolving complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal information. If you believe that 1105 Media has not complied with this Privacy Policy, or if you have any other complaint with regard to collection, use or disclosure of information by 1105 Media, please contact or send your complaint by mail to the following address. Residents of the European Union should submit any such privacy complaints to. 1105 Media, Inc. 6300 Canoga Ave., Suite 1150 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Attention: Data Services Fax: (818) 936-0267 Phone: (866) 410-1321 Email.

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