Michelle's Birthday Fundraiser For Mac

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Too young to vote? Michelle Obama was busy working for veterans as her husband courted babies - and their parents - during his bus tour According to the Chicago Tribune, invitations to the event say tickets to a 'family photo reception' are available for the five-figure sum - with a maximum of six guests in the photo.

The asking price solicited by Generation44, the 'official under-40 fundraising program of Obama for America comprised of the next generation of leaders, young entrepreneurs, social innovators and activists', according to the report. $100 = Limited Availability Gen44. Tickets $500 = General Admission $1,000 = Preferred Selection $7,500 = Host (write or raise) $10,000 = Family Photo Reception (maximum six in photo).Generation44 calls itself the 'official under-40 fundraising program of Obama for America comprised of the next generation of leaders, young entrepreneurs, social innovators and activists'. Source: The Chicago Tribune The fundraiser will follow another on Tuesday evening at a Detroit hotel, where asking prices on the invitation are $250, $2,500 and $10,000, according to the Tribune. Another fundraising event in her native Chicago on Thursday, where billionaire Warren Buffet is expected to attend a dinner party on behalf of the campaign at the home of Byron and Tina Trott in Winnetka - where dinner is $35,000 per couple, according to a campaign email to top fundraisers.

Michelle's Birthday Fundraiser For Mac Free

The President and First Lady are not expected to attend that event. Meanwhile, President Obama worked crowds in North Carolina as the First Lady put the finishing touches on a renovated home for a medic wounded in Afghanistan in another campaign push of her own on Monday. Washington D.C. Resident Army Sgt Johnny Agbi suffered brain and spinal cord injuries and uses a wheelchair, but can walk short distances with the aid of a cane. Michelle Obama and Jill Biden visited his three-story rowhouse just blocks from the U.S. Capitol to paint the living room, a task helped by Mrs Obama's 5'11 reach that meant she didn't even need a ladder.

Michelle's Birthday Fundraiser For Macbook Pro

Campaign trail: U.S. President Barack Obama greets local residents who where waiting beside the tour road in Brodnax, Virginia on Tuesday The home underwent a $100,000 renovation under a program called Heroes at Home. He's the 1,000th veteran whose home was renovated since the program began in 2007. Agbi says the changes have made a big difference in his life. The First and Second Lady are also scheduled to attend the World Series opener in St Louis on Wednesday night to honour military veterans. Major League Baseball announced on Monday that it has dedicated Game 1 between the Texas Rangers and St Louis Cardinals to veterans and their families.


Michelle's Birthday Fundraiser For Machines

The First Lady and Dr Biden, the wife of Vice President Joe Biden, will participate in a pregame ceremony at Busch Stadium as part of the Welcome Back Veterans program and Obama's Joining Forces initiative. Before the game, the two will join representatives from MLB and the St Louis Cardinals, including Hall of Famer and Army veteran Red Schoendienst, at the St Louis VA Medical Center for a military family appreciation event. Mr Obama and Mr Biden also will participate in an interview on their Joining Forces initiative and answer questions submitted by fans through Facebook and Twitter. 'We are honored to have First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr Jill Biden join us for the 2011 Fall Classic to recognize the courageous men and women who serve the country as well as their families,' Commissioner Bud Selig said in a statement. 'Major League Baseball has raised more than $11million over the past several years through our Welcome Back Veterans program to help support veterans and their families. 'The World Series gives us the perfect opportunity to build on this ongoing commitment.'

For my birthday this year, I'm asking for donations to First Book. I've chosen this nonprofit because their mission means a lot to me, and I hope you'll consider contributing as a way to celebrate with me. Every little bit will help me reach my goal. Since 1992, First Book has distributed more than 170 million books and educational resources to programs and schools serving children from low-income families in more than 30 countries. First Book currently reaches an average of 3 million children every year and supports more than one in four of the estimated 1.3 million classrooms and programs serving children in need.

With an additional 1,000 educators joining each week, First Book is the largest and fastest-growing network of educators in the United States exclusively serving kids in need. Thanks for your support!

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