Dumldore For Mac

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Rowlings fan base in the south just got a little bit larger (I do wonder if they are feeling 'vindicated' in their opposition). I imagine that the discussion will get heated, so we might as well just start here and keep the newbies out. It's fine and dandy, and I suppose fictional characters can feel whatever they want to feel as far as they can feel, but I did find this unnecessary. I really didn't and don't care if Dumbledore was hetero-, homo-, bi-, a-, or sub-sexual (I'm sure I'm missing some categories). But, introducing his sexuality after the story, as something that was not discussed in the books just seems like she's looking for (does she really need it?) publicity.

Part of what I loved so much about Dumbledore was his asceticism. He was so devoted to magic and teaching the kids, that he didn't have time to think about being attracted to McGonagall or Snape. I understand that she needed to correct the script, but adding a love interest to Dumbledore was gratuitous on it's own - aren't the books long enough without more material being added? Oh, and one more thing - falling in love with your rival? That's just too cliche. I mean seriously. Because teacher/student relationships would be going too far, Voldemort or Harry couldn't happen.

So she went with the most cliche of cliche. So much for creative storytelling. Edit: Because I know that some are looking for me to rip into 'the liberal agenda', I want to address up front, in summary, that my beef with this is the self-serving-after-the-fact-and-still-couldn't-be-original-and-fell-on-the-sword-of-cliche nature of her announcement, not who Dumbledore wanted to get in the sack with. Rowlings fan base in the south just got a little bit larger (I do wonder if they are feeling 'vindicated' in their opposition). I imagine that the discussion will get heated, so we might as well just start here and keep the newbies out. It's fine and dandy, and I suppose fictional characters can feel whatever they want to feel as far as they can feel, but I did find this unnecessary.

I really didn't and don't care if Dumbledore was hetero-, homo-, bi-, a-, or sub-sexual (I'm sure I'm missing some categories). But, introducing his sexuality after the story, as something that was not discussed in the books just seems like she's looking for (does she really need it?) publicity.

Part of what I loved so much about Dumbledore was his asceticism. He was so devoted to magic and teaching the kids, that he didn't have time to think about being attracted to McGonagall or Snape. I understand that she needed to correct the script, but adding a love interest to Dumbledore was gratuitous on it's own - aren't the books long enough without more material being added? Oh, and one more thing - falling in love with your rival?

That's just too cliche. I mean seriously. Because teacher/student relationships would be going too far, Voldemort or Harry couldn't happen.

So she went with the most cliche of cliche. So much for creative storytelling. Edit: Because I know that some are looking for me to rip into 'the liberal agenda', I want to address up front, in summary, that my beef with this is the self-serving-after-the-fact-and-still-couldn't-be-original-and-fell-on-the-sword-of-cliche nature of her announcement, not who Dumbledore wanted to get in the sack with. Click to expand.The issue came up when she spotted a past female love of Dumbledore's in the movie script.

She corrected it and has chosen to make it public. Given the grilling she has received from the xian fundamentalists, if this was intended as a dig at them, it's not surprising nor shocking. As an author, I'm sure each character has a much more defined personality in her mind than what appeared in the books. Perhaps it's because Dumbledore was jilted that he became an ascetic and was able to devote so much time to his students. The rockiness of life sometimes has a way of defining us. Sexuality is innate. Surely you don't have an issue with heterosex relationships, why should a gay relationship bother you so much?

In the end, she's an author, the books are her own creation from her own imagination and their popularity in no way whatsoever compels her to 'dumb them down' so that a small segment of the population is appeased. If you don't like them, then don't read them and if you have a difficult time telling your child that 'gay' means two members of the same sex liking one another like mommy and daddy like one another, then, hey, maybe you need to rethink your role as a parent in today's world. Click to expand.I totally agree.

I don't care how it came about after the story whether she was correcting the film script or not, if it were so important to begin with why the f'$ didn't she include it in her books? It would've have been perfect to do so seeing as hers books support equality (muggles are as good as wizards, mudbloods aren´t bad people, gays are bad people?) I'm still waiting for another Harry Potter to come out as I think she's gotten so greedy and attention starved that she won't be able to deny her own ego any chance she gets-in my opinion. Click to expand.I think because his relationship with Gellert Grindelwald resulted the death of his younger sister Ariana, estrangement from his younger brother Aberforth, and turning his former friend into a hated enemy-all within a few years of Ariana's untimely death-it shook Albus' personal beliefs to the core. That forced him to rethink his purpose in life, and among the changes was very likely a vow of abstinance (note that when he became Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts by circa 1938 nobody mentioned his sexual preferences). It explains why Dumbledore never became Minister of Magic-he feared that his sordid past would become public and also because he feared the type of power he could wield as Minister of Magic. I think because his relationship with Gellert Grindelwald resulted the death of his younger sister Ariana, estrangement from his younger brother Aberforth, and turning his former friend into a hated enemy-all within a few years of Ariana's untimely death-it shook Albus' personal beliefs to the core.

That forced him to rethink his purpose in life, and among the changes was very likely a vow of abstinance (note that when he became Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts by circa 1938 nobody mentioned his sexual preferences). It explains why Dumbledore never became Minister of Magic-he feared that his sordid past would become public and also because he feared the type of power he could wield as Minister of Magic. I totally agree. I don't care how it came about after the story whether she was correcting the film script or not, if it were so important to begin with why the f'$ didn't she include it in her books? It would've have been perfect to do so seeing as hers books support equality (muggles are as good as wizards, mudbloods aren´t bad people, gays are bad people?) I'm still waiting for another Harry Potter to come out as I think she's gotten so greedy and attention starved that she won't be able to deny her own ego any chance she gets-in my opinion. Click to expand.That last paragraph is why I think this is news.

Because, regardless of what you think of the series, JK wields incredible literary power among a lot of society - especially children. So, any shift that she might make from story-teller to cliched point-maker is significant. If she had pushed out an 'I'm gay and I'm ok' Dumbledore, I think it would have done more for the movement than most anybody else - especially as kids grow up.

Putting this out there now, it just seems to be a lazy publicity stunt. Click to expand.I'm not sure if the comment refers to the generic you or me personally, and I'm not sure what the last half of your comment is asserting, so I'll hold off there. I find the stories quite enjoyable and after reading #7, I made sure to reread all of them to catch anything I might have missed. My complaint would have been just as strong if Rowling decided that Dumbledore was rebuffed by whatever woman you want to pick. It just seems like lazy publicity, without having to make the effort (or business risk) to put it in the book. If the books had come out 50 years ago and after the fact Rowling had said 'Harry was once interested having a mixed relationship with an Asian girl' without the Chang-arc, it would have been just as lazy.

My point, SMM is that if we really had moved past scandal, why present something so life-shaping as she presents it as a weak addition rather than as part of the story? This isn't 15+ million viewers of Will & Grace in the US, it's well over 300 million copies from just the first six books, around the world.

It may not be scandal in the US, but what kind of stand would it have been China, India, etc.? Sexuality is innate. Surely you don't have an issue with heterosex relationships, why should a gay relationship bother you so much? In the end, she's an author, the books are her own creation from her own imagination and their popularity in no way whatsoever compels her to 'dumb them down' so that a small segment of the population is appeased. If you don't like them, then don't read them and if you have a difficult time telling your child that 'gay' means two members of the same sex liking one another like mommy and daddy like one another, then, hey, maybe you need to rethink your role as a parent in today's world.

Hobbits are gay. Dumbledore is gay, and his infatuation with Grindelwald was at the root of one of the deepest compromises to his character, left intentionally nebulous by J.K.Rowling. You can completely go back and find this hint if you reread Dumbledore's history. Like any of the other faculty (other than Hagrid, Snape and Lupin), their sexuality was NEVER brought up or referenced in any way. But like McGonagall, there were clear indications of their interests and persuasion.

I have to admit, I got the impression Dumbledore might have been of that persuasion. It's a deeply personal thing for many, even in the world of magic, and his interests sure made a mess of things. I was surprised this wasn't more tales of homoerotic Potter fiction, but big deal. It's a little queer that Rowling reveals this after the fact. I made a little joke there.

Click to expand.It wasn't important. It must have been there for awhile if she mentioned it while one of the movies was being made, so it's not like she's just pulling it out of nowhere. Apparently the relationship was important for the character, but not the story overall, so it really wasn't a big deal. She seemed to be going for subtext. But someone asked her about it, probably for the billionth time, so she finally blurted it out. As she said, if it's a big deal for you, you probably already don't like the subject matter.

I don't really follow the books much, so I don't know, nor really care. Q: Did Dumbledore, who believed in the prevailing power of love, ever fall in love himself?


JKR: My truthful answer to you. I always thought of Dumbledore as gay. Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald, and that that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was. To an extent, do we say it excused Dumbledore a little more because falling in love can blind us to an extent?

But, he met someone as brilliant as he was, and rather like Bellatrix he was very drawn to this brilliant person, and horribly, terribly let down by him. Yeah, that's how i always saw Dumbledore. In fact, recently I was in a script read through for the sixth film, and they had Dumbledore saying a line to Harry early in the script saying I knew a girl once, whose hair. I had to write a little note in the margin and slide it along to the scriptwriter, 'Dumbledore's gay!' laughter If I'd known it would make you so happy, I would have announced it years ago! Q: In the Goblet of Fire Dumbledore said his brother was prosecuted for practicing inappropriate charms JKR buries her head, to laughter on a goat; what were the inappropriate charms he was practicing on that goat? JKR: How old are you?

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JKR: I think that he was trying to make a goat that was easy to keep clean laughter, curly horns. That's a joke that works on a couple of levels. I really like Aberforth and his goats.

But you know Aberforth having this strange fondness for goats if you've read book seven, came in really useful to Harry, later on, because a goat, a stag, you know. If you're a stupid Death Eater, what's the difference. So, that is my answer to YOU. loud applause.

Hi All, I totally understand how you feel now, sincerely sorry for any inconvenience caused. Our engineers are aware of this situation and working on it now.

Thanks Natalia for the reply, many of us are still waiting on DJI but they must notice that some clever guys will get desperate on a fix for these problems and actually it is DJI's responsibility, because we have Drones that can't be used after the latest update, They have to respond to serious issues like this last update problems in a better way really. Thanks again for your replies. So the firmware I uploaded is not corrupt? Its just that DUMLdore doesnt wright all the data the first time so you need to flash it a few times to insure that all the data is written?

Am I understanding this correctly? The firmwares are gold mate and thanks for uploading them! Tap forms review. My P4 is rock solid now My procedure of downgrading to 503 then upgrading to 602 has brought my P4 back to its original working state before being corrupted by the latest DJI firmware. Thanks again for providing the firmware files and everyone else for helping solve this frustrating situation that DJI landed us in. The firmwares are gold mate and thanks for uploading them! My P4 is rock solid now My procedure of downgrading to 503 then upgrading to 602 has brought my P4 back to its original working state before being corrupted by the latest DJI firmware.

Thanks again for providing the firmware files and everyone else for helping solve this frustrating situation that DJI landed us in. Im so glad that we found a working rollback procedure. I was glad to share my firmware. I wasnt the only one. Beeper posted his firmware as well, Icer put the procedure together, and you guys are Beta testing it. If DJI had a team like ours maybe their s.hit software would work.

And to think, we did it ourselves in less than 24 hours. I think DJI owes us some money. Im so glad that we found a working rollback procedure. I was glad to share my firmware. I wasnt the only one.

Beeper posted his firmware as well, Icer put the procedure together, and you guys are Beta testing it. If DJI had a team like ours maybe their s.hit software would work. And to think, we did it ourselves in less than 24 hours. I think DJI owes us some money.

The same thing tends to happen with Apple and beta updates, which are supposed to be non-down gradable. It usually takes a few days before some user find the way that works. There few need that, but its usually available somewhere for those that find too many issues. Im so glad that we found a working rollback procedure.


I was glad to share my firmware. I wasnt the only one. Beeper posted his firmware as well, Icer put the procedure together, and you guys are Beta testing it.

If DJI had a team like ours maybe their s.hit software would work. And to think, we did it ourselves in less than 24 hours. I think DJI owes us some money. Since you guys are on a roll, do you think you could give me the new firmware with the added features that I have been waiting so impatiently for - just without the whole kamikaze flight characteristics? That would be ideal. 1000+ thanks to and all persons who are behind it. Many thanks to Duchunter and beeper for help.

Thanks all on this forum who test firmware on his own risk, on 'beautifully' drone and make feedback's. I agree it's great that a workaround appears to have been found but it's a little confusing that there appears to be three different links to the downgrade package in these threads. The first one I noticed was the separate post by gyrex. Are the others based on this one or are they variants of that initial package? I don't think it makes sense to have multiple links, especially if the original one gets updated at some stage. Perhaps the posters of the other links should refer back to the original link instead of creating new ones.

Hi all, Just finished all tests with firmware. Lot of things and application links already posted here, by this reason i not give some links but just tell very important features. It's interesting that you found that flashing the P4 twice with v.602 had the same outcome as flashing with v.503 first and Then with V.602. Makes you kinda wonder what the effect of flashing twice with v would do. An incomplete flash of the latest may go to explain why we have such a wide range of reports regarding success or failure.

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Perhaps the master cfg file for v isn't a full list of drivers?

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